Tag Archives - Information Architecture

The latest news in marketing automation, web design, social media, and user experience.

Is Your Website Navigation Easy to Use?

Our discussion will focus on menu navigation of a website, and we have chosen to review Standard Market’s website. Standard Market is a local high-end grocery store with a restaurant and taproom. When we review main menu navigation on websites, the first thing we examine is the menu location. Users want to see the main menu navigation at the...

Users Like Options, But Hate Making Decisions

Whenever I see one of those “Top ten designs of the year” or “Eight keys to good navigation design” I usually rip into them.  It’s really not that I am a negative person.  It is just that they always tend to be so overly simplistic.  They underappreciate the importance of context or completely misunderstand human behavior. 

Flawed User Experience on HealthCare.gov

The new Obamacare website, HealthCare.gov, has been getting much media attention over the past few weeks due to flaws in the user experience after its launch. Heavy traffic, network problems, and design flaws have hampered users from shopping for health insurance. Many agree that the new website presents a fragmented user-experience, which was not tested properly before...

How to Rank for SEO: 25 Step Master Blueprint

If you’re like most SEOs, you spend a lot of time reading to rank for SEO. Over the past several years, I’ve spent 100s of hours studying blogs, guides, and Google patents. Not long ago, I realized that 90% of what I read each doesn’t change what I actually do – that is, the basic work...