Tag Archives - Content Writing

The latest news in marketing automation, web design, social media, and user experience.

Why “Simple” Websites Are Scientifically Better

In a study by Google in August of 2012, researchers found that not only will users judge websites as beautiful or not within 1/50th – 1/20th of a second, but also that “visually complex” websites are consistently rated as less beautiful than their simpler counterparts. 

Website Usability Tips, Part 2

Our team has come up with ten usability guidelines for web developers and business owners. Following are the last five tips, continuing last week’s first five. For a free analysis of your website, request a free usability report from our experts.

Website Usability Tips, Part 1

Our team has come up with ten usability tips / guidelines for web developers and business owners. Below are the first five, and Part 2 will follow. For a free analysis of your website, request a free usability report from our experts. 

How to Rank for SEO: 25 Step Master Blueprint

If you’re like most SEOs, you spend a lot of time reading to rank for SEO. Over the past several years, I’ve spent 100s of hours studying blogs, guides, and Google patents. Not long ago, I realized that 90% of what I read each doesn’t change what I actually do – that is, the basic work...