Common Webpage Design Element Mistakes
Simple layout and design element tips to help you create a stunning webpage.
Simple layout and design element tips to help you create a stunning webpage.
If there is one term in the realm of digital business that always seems to spark discussion (and often heated debate) among ’Net professionals it is that of “customer engagement,” and its pursuit and, of course, achievement.
Last week, CueCamp shared with you the do’s and don’ts of creating a user-friendly website. Today we want to share with you how to create a homepage that will not only showcase your company in a way that will sell, but will also retain your users. CueCamp has put a list together of the top...
What truly matters in the realm of Web success is whether or not your site is usable – and to what degree. What indicators, however, exist to help a website owner know this or not?
Summary: Before you throw out the old and bring in the new (redesign), make sure you have solid evidence that doing so is necessary to achieve user-centered goals.