Category Archives - Content Marketing

The latest news in marketing automation, web design, social media, and user experience.

Scarcity Principle: Making Users Click RIGHT NOW or Lose Out

Summary: Feeling that there is only one chance can convince people to take action sooner, sometimes without careful consideration of consequences or alternative options. The scarcity principle is a well-documented social-psychology phenomenon that causes people to assign high value to things they perceive as being less available.

Why “Simple” Websites Are Scientifically Better

In a study by Google in August of 2012, researchers found that not only will users judge websites as beautiful or not within 1/50th – 1/20th of a second, but also that “visually complex” websites are consistently rated as less beautiful than their simpler counterparts. 

Website Usability Tips, Part 2

Our team has come up with ten usability guidelines for web developers and business owners. Following are the last five tips, continuing last week’s first five. For a free analysis of your website, request a free usability report from our experts.